środa, 7 września 2016


German Gebirgsjägers (still waiting for new German Armybook)

What I miss in German Armybook is a special entry for Gebirgsjägers – one of the elite formations of Wehrmacht during the second world war. The other one – the Fallschirmjäger – received unique rules as veteran units and have splendid figures – both metal and plastic. French mountain and colonial troops may use special rule – mountaineers and even got mule teams for carrying their guns and equipment. But the famous for their war deeds Gebirgsjägers got neither any specific rules nor figures. As great Bolt Action fans we’ve decided to fulfil this gap.

One can see that the main distinctive element of their outlook was a badge called Edelweiss on the left side of their mountain caps and on the right sleeves of blouse. And of course… climbing ropes!

Gebirgsjägers used standard Wehrmacht M36/M43 uniforms with mountain ankle boots (Bergschuhe) similar to Wehrmacht Schnürschuhe and wear Bergmütze (identical in shape with M43 feldmütze). As I wanted to give them unique look different from ordinary infantry I used hands, weapons and equipment from different plastic sets. Gebirgsjägers had to carry almost all the equipment and weapons on their shoulders, what affected on the type of weapons and the amount of taken ammunition. Most of my Jägers have Mauser rifles (in fact Gebirgsjägers used created especially for them Mauser-Kurz i.e. short) and semi-automatic rifle Gewehr 43. Because they are veterans, I could not resist arming each team with two machine guns – both MG (Maschinengewehr) 34 and 42. Gebirgsjägers often chose older version due to a lower rate - the consumption of ammunition in the mountains was of exceptional importance
 Although there were such plans in the German high command to arm Gebirgsjägers  (as well as Jägers – the “lowland” light infantry) in a great amount of automatic weapons [i], they never completely succeeded. So in my platoon only the officers and NCO's have Sturmgewehr 44 (assault rifle) and additionally in each team one of the soldiers possess MP40 (Machinenpistole). One of them is changing the magazine and the other one is reloading.

When fighting in the high mountains Gebirgsjägers commonly used mountain backpacks (Gebirgrsrucksacke 31). I used the excellent backpacks from the set of the British plastic commandos which are very similar in shape. On the main belts hangs standard German bread-bags with canteens and water bottles. Some troopers have infantry shovels and bayonets - all from different German sets.

I also added climbing ropes made of twisted copper wire, which I formed into coils. One of the soldiers leads a packed mule from the Chindits set. According to the table of organization and equipment during the fighting in the mountains in each Gebirgsjägers platoon were 3 mules or horses carrying mainly ammunition for machine guns.

[i] Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, National Archives Microcopy No. T-78, Roll 391, American Historical Association Committee for the Study of War Documents, Washington, DC., 1960

So, here U got the finished figures.

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